Over the past six months as visitors and community members have entered Thomas Nelson there has been a consistent theme that has emerged with the notion of "Generals Care." During our work preparing for the opening of Thomas Nelson High School over the past year our school culture team identified this mantra as a proactive stance against the forces of mediocrity that can inhibit meaningful commitment from high school students. Proudly, I can say that as we have moved into the second semester, the ideals within "Generals Care" are alive at Thomas Nelson in both students and staff. Opening doors for others, picking up trash, communicating courteously, and using class time wisely are all things that we expect from our students at Thomas Nelson. As we continue to grow and learn as a community, we expect the actions associated withe "Generals Care" to become an even more predominant part of our culture.
Wes Bradley - Principal
OPERATION PREPARATION - A Future Story - March 20th
The notion of growth mindset is imperative for our continued success at Thomas Nelson High School. |
Our Operation Preparation team has been hard at work over the past few weeks putting together a remarkable college and career event for all of our sophomores in alignment with the state of Kentucky's Operation Preparation movement. During this event, we are inviting local professionals to support students with dialogue about the work they do each day helping our Generals envision their future story. If you or someone that you know would be a good fit for sharing insights into your career field and the path that you took to get there please click on the following link to volunteer for operation preparation. One of the members of our "Operation Preparation Team" will follow-up for further detail on the event.
The certificate along with the G letter and lamp of knowledge. |
145 Students Receive Academic Letter
145 Generals made history during the first semester at Thomas Nelson by making the academic Dean's List. To make the Dean's list you must achieve a 3.5 GPA or higher. Accompanying that accomplishment is their receipt of an academic letter that will symbolize their achievement for now and into the future. The academic letter is similar to the athletic letter in that it could be placed on a letter jacket or be collected by a student over time as a symbol of academic success. The larger G letter can only be achieved once whereas the lamp of knowledge will be distributed each time a student makes the academic Dean's list. Hamilton and Lincoln House members received their letters this week and our Lafayette House, with 60 students receiving letters, will be distributed this coming week. This accomplishment is something that we expect all students at Thomas Nelson to strive for in the coming semester.